After four long months, lots of late nights, and several unexpected delays, our online db is now launched and ready for your inspection. It is by no means a finished product, but to date, we have entered over 850 of our scientific grade, research specimens into this database, with hundreds more soon to follow. Aside from the specimens themselves, you will find links to much of our current, open-source research and downloadable pdf's. To our knowledge, it is the first and only private collection of vertebrate fossils available online.
Please keep in mind, that specimens contained herein are available to museums and universities ONLY, either through sale, trade, or donation. These are not available to the general public. Until this collection finds a more permanent home, each specimen will remain here, freely accessible for anyone to view and enjoy.
Each entry has detailed locality and stratigraphic data, a written description when warranted, major measurements and historical information. Most will have photographs, and some will have an attached field map to use when searching for it in our main quarry map (also downloadable). We are also working on various options to to enable guests to purchase casts or 3-D images (if available) of each specimen. At this time, only a few are available, but more will be completed as the years roll on. If you see something you would like us to mold and cast or 3-D scan please shoot us an email and we'll add it to the list.
If you've ever gone on any of our dinosaur digs and found something of scientific significance, you might be able to find images of it here. To see any of the fossils you may have found, just search for your name or field number in the upper search box and if its been prepared and cataloged you should. We are about three years behind in most of our prep work, so if you do not see it yet, its coming in the future.
Right now, we have just a brief description of the Hell Creek and Lance formation, along with a brief synopsis of the 20+ dinosaur genera that can be found therein. At some point in the future, we will have the ability to add “virtual exhibit pages” on various topics of paleo interest. Hopefully, we may be able to add some interactivity and educational lessons as well, making it truly a museum without walls and without boundaries.
Also, please keep in mind that this is a work in progress. I'm sure there are a handful of computer bugs, mis ID's or typos we didn't catch at 3:00 am! So, if you see something wrong or out of place, please feel free to shoot me an email. I'd appreciate any constructive criticism out there.
For our academic friends... Please consider anything placed online to be open-source and free to use, with proper credit of course. If you would like to view any of these specimens in person, use any for direct research or even inquire about acquiring the collection or portions thereof, please contact me by email or phone and I'd be happy to discuss it with you. We would be happy to have you visit our collections or sites!
Thanks to all of our tour guests, volunteers, assistants, friend and family, for supporting us over these many years and helping to make this collection one of the best in the world!
Finally, I'd like to send a special thank you to all of our wonderful land owners who have generously allowed us to collect on their properties for so many years. Without you guys we would not exist and this collection, our mutual collection, would never have seen the light of day. Thanks for all of your hard work, assistance and kindnesses over these many years. Here's to many more years to come. THANKS!