Dinosaurs of the Hell Creek Virtual Museum.
Our "Dinosaurs of the Hell Creek Virtual Museum" is now available by clicking the “Online Collections Database” link!
As many of you know, our overall goal is to one day build our own private dinosaur museum. Some day, hopefully within the next decade, guests will be able to visit a full-sized exhibit building, see and touch real dinosaur bone exhibits, see full-size cast dinosaur skeletons, learn from up-to date, interactive displays and immerse themselves in the amazing world of dinosaurs. Eventually guests will be able to tour our full-sized preparation laboratory, browse through our giftshop and maybe even attend a lecture or fossil club meeting. Eventually, the money will come and time to lay the foundation stone will arrive. Until that time, however, this page will serve as a proxy.
Introducing our "DINOSAURS OF THE HELL CREEK VIRTUAL MUSEUM!" Check in here for photographs and 3-D images of our specimens, descriptions of the amazing Hell Creek and Lance ecosystem and its dinosaurs, as well as news, updates and virtual displays. PLEASE VISIT http://www.VIRTUALDINOSAURMUSEUM.ORG